د.أنيس هيثم صالح طاهر
أستاذ مشارك
المؤهل: دكتوراة
التخصص العام: رياضيات تطبيقية
التخصص الدقيق: تحليل عددي
القسم العلمي: الرياضيات
تاريخ التعيين: 26/04/1999
الملف الشخصي
الميلاد: 07/10/1975
الجنس: ذكر
محل الميلاد: حالمين - ردفان محافظة لحج
الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوج
الملف الأكاديمي
Dr. Anis Haytham Saleh Taher is an Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics, University of Lahej, lahj- Yemen. He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Mathematics from Tarbiat Modares University, Tahran Iran, in the years 2008 and 2012, respectively. His current research interests include numerical solutions of real-life problems, Operations Research، Optimization and Numerical Solutions of ODEs and PDEs. # Work Experience
- Head of the Mathematics and Physics Department, College of Education, Radfan, 2000- 2004.
- Head of the Mathematics and Physics Department, College of Education, Radfan,, 2013- 2019.
- Lecturer in Mathematics
- Calculus I, II& III
- Advanced calculus
- Analytical Geometry I & II
- Set theory I & II
- Real analysis I & II
- Linear algebra I & II
- Numerical Analysis
- Computational Physics, Postgraduate Studies (Masters in Physics)
- A training course in effective Teaching skills, University of Aden , 2001.
- Participation in a scientific workshop on the literature and programs of the Faculty of Science, University of Aden, 2016.
- Participation in the specification for a Linear Algebra I & II, Operations Research,
- Programming I & II, and Numerical Analysis courses at the Department of Mathematics , Faculty of Sciences, University of Aden, 2016.
- Curriculum Development, in the faculties of education - University of Aden, 2018.
- American Mathematical Society
- Iranian Mathematical Society
- A Reviewer in some ISI Journals
- Arabic Language
- English Language
- Persian Language
- Mathematical Software: (Matlab, Maple and Mathematica)
- Typesetting Software: (Latex, Scientific Workplace, Microsoft Office)
الوظائف والخبرات
- Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, College of Education, Radfan, University of Lahej.
- Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Aden.
- Head of the Mathematics and Physics Department, College of Education,
- Radfan,, 2000- 2004.
- Head of the Mathematics and Physics Department, College of Education, Radfan,, 2013- 2019.
- Participation in a scientific workshop on the literature and programs of the Faculty of Science, University of Aden, 2016.
- Participation in the specification for a Linear Algebra I & II, Operations Research, Programming I & II, and Numerical Analysis courses at the Department of
- Mathematics , Faculty of Sciences, University of Aden, 2016.
- Curriculum Development, in the faculties of education - University of Aden, 2018.
- American Mathematical Society
- Iranian Mathematical Society
- A Reviewer in some ISI Journals
المؤلفات والبحوث
- Novel method for determining the maximally productive units using DEA,AHS Taher, A Malek, Applied Sciences 9, 4174-4178 (2009).
- A new algorithm for solving sixth-order Sturm Liouville problems,AHS Taher, A Malek, International Journal of Applied Mathematics 24 (4), 631-639 (2011).
- An efficient algorithm for solving high-order Sturm-Liouville problems using variational iteration method,AHS Taher, A Malek, Fixed Point Theory 14, 193-210 (2013)
- Chebyshev differentiation matrices for efficient computation of the eigenvalues of fourth-order Sturm-Liouville problems,AHS Taher, A Malek, SH Momeni-Masuleh, Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (7), 4634- 4642 (2013).
- Semi-analytical Approximation for Solving High-order Sturm-Liouville Problems, AHS Taher, A Malek, ASA Thabet, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science 4 (23), 3345-3357 (2014).
- Computing high-index eigenvalues of singular Sturm–Liouville problems, AHS Taher, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 5 (2), 1-13 (2019).
- Fast and Accurate Calculations of Fourth-Order Non-self-adjoint Sturm–Liouville Eigenvalues for Problems in Physics and Engineering, AHS Taher, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 7 (5), 1-20 (2021).
- An efficient numerical technique for estimating eigenvalues of secondorder non-self-adjoint Sturm-Liouville problems, AHS Taher, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 199, 25-37 (2022),
- Second congress of mathematics & optimal control in medicine, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad – Iran, 30-31 Dec. 2009.