وليد خضر محمد بدر
المؤهل: ماجستير
التخصص العام: رياضيات بحتة
التخصص الدقيق: دوال خاصة
القسم العلمي: رياضيات
تاريخ التعيين: 2008
الملف الشخصي
الميلاد: 4 /10/1981
الجنس: ذكر
محل الميلاد: أبين _ خنفر _ الحصن
الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوج
المؤلفات والبحوث
- A new extension of extended Gamma and Beta functions and their properties, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 5 (9) (2018), 257 – 270
- New extended Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative operator and some of its applications, Sohag Journal of Mathematics, 6 (3) (2019), 51 – 58.
- Integral transforms for the new generalized Beta function, Journal of New Theory, 28 (2019), 53 – 61.
- Certain extension of the Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function and its properties, Electronic Journals of University of Aden (EJUA), 1 (1) (2020), 39 – 48.
- A new forms of extended hypergeometric functions and their properties, Engineering and Applied Science Letters, 4 (1) (2021), 30 – 41.
- Certain properties of the generalized Gauss hypergeometric and confluent hypergeometric functions. (Communicated for publication).
- Further results for some forms of extended Gauss hypergeometric function. (Communicated for publication).
- Some generating functions for the new extension of extended Gauss hypergeometric function. (Communicated for publication).